HD28PLFD Filter

·  True ball valve allows change over with one valve.
·  Integrated pressure equalization and fill line.
·  Carbon steel construction standard
(304 stainless steel and aluminum available).
·  Duplexing option available for continuous filtration during filter element change-out.
·  Easy to service swing-lid design with eye nuts assures no lost hardware, hydraulic lift option available.
·  Marine grade epoxy exterior finish for non-stainless steel assemblies
·  Features HDTech coreless element design with positive o-ring seals
·  High differential pressure valve transfer capabilities.
·  Drain and cleanout port allows for quick draining and easy access for sump cleanout.
·  HDTech Dualglass filter element media technology validated per ISO16889 multipass
   and DFE (modified ISO16889) industry leading multipass testing.
·  Uptime critical & continuous operations

·  Pulp and Paper
·  Hydraulic and Lubrication oil
·  Fuel and Fuel oil
·  Rolling mill oil
·  Processing liquids
·  Bulk oil handling - Transfer and clean up
·  Off-line systems and flushing
·  Power generation
·  Primary metals
·  Mobile flushing systems
·  Particulate and water removal
·  Transfer line machining coolants
·  Large gearbox filtration
·  High flow Return-line filtration
